Saturday, February 14, 2009


In the disability awareness class that I am helping with, Becky (who uses a wheelchair) issued all of us a challenge to use a wheelchair to go use the rest room. I went down the hall and entered the restroom and the stall and got onto the toilet and back all with out using my feet at all. It was harder that I thought it would be, and I never imagined that it would be easy. It also makes you think about the accessible restrooms, and how accessible they really are? I can tell you that even in the Center for People with Disabilities I had a very hard time maneuvering the chair into a stall. If I really needed to go I would have left a puddle I am sure of it.
For our next challenge I was paired off with another girl and given very good earplugs and challenged to wear them, and walk to the student center on campus and ask a student what time it was and also go into the book store and ask for help finding books on sign language. We were lucky to find very helpful people in both places, but the hard part was that we had to try to engage a stranger in a conversation. It was really weird how uncomfortable people were with us around. I could see them looking at us because we were talking loud so we could hear each other and using a lot of gestures (because had no idea how to get around USU campus.) The thing is when I tried to smile at someone to start a conversation with them, they would just look away and not make eye contact.
It was a super neat experience, and I am so glad I got to participate in it. It really opened my eyes to how people with physical disabilities are perceived. The morale of my story is.....
You can't judge another until you roll a mile in their place!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hayleys new "do"

As most of you probably know Hayley is a budding young hair stylist. At least we Know that she loves to cut her hair. (She can hunt down a pair of scissors from where you swear she cant get them) My friend Michelle has wanted to cut it for such a long time, but we were never able to work out our busy schedules. Yesterday we just decided to do it. It looks so much better, you can see her pretty blue eyes and her cute chubby cheeks. Hayley even loves her "so cute hair" so much that she came home and snuck into my bathroom and gave herself a makeover. I just hope she loves it so much that she will not cut it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Life Lessons from my Mom

Mom it has been four years now since you passed away, and I think about you every day!!
I wanted to make a tribute to you by listing a few of the millions of things you have taught me
-I was not born in a barn!
-Anything worth doing is worth doing right!
-Always stand up for what you I
believe, even if I am the only one around that believes it
-I am the one that has to sleep at night.
-Always follow my intuitions, if something seems not quite right, it probably isn't.
-Try to get along with my sisters, because they will become my best friends.
-Nothing is EVER so bad that a lunch date can't help.
-I can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
-Love with all your heart, that is why we are here.
-Don't be afraid to act goofy and have fun
-Make the time for myself and so something I enjoy.
-It's really not too bad to have a room full of fabric and craft supplies, I always have something to do.
-It will work out somehow it always does.
-If I say I am going to do something I better do it
-I have to taste everything at least once before I can say I don't like it.
-Cupboard doors and light switches really do work both ways.
-The only way it is going to get done is if I do it.
-Having a good sense of humor can get me through tough times.
-Sometimes I need to pick my battles.
-I cant spoil my kids with love (only with things)
-It is actually kind of fun to let the kids give you a mohawk!!

Mom you taught me so many things I don't have room to list them all. I hope that I can be the kind of mom to my kids that you were to me. I miss you so much, I am so glad that I know I will see you again!!
Thank You!!